Saturday, August 9, 2008

Is it just me...

Or is anyone else tired of knowing all about celebrity lives? Do I really care if John Edwards had an affair? No, what difference does that make to me? None. He is no longer running for president. Even if he were president, I wouldn't care. Hell, it seems like every president since FDR, with the possible exception of Jimmy Carter has had an affair or something. The Kennedy White House seems to have been awash in sex.
The difference is that we didn't know all that. We didn't learn of it until both JFK and Jackie were dead. It wasn't our problem, and it didn't seem to change the nature of the presidency. I don't want to know all about Britney Spears, either. Or her sister. Or even my next door neighbor. I have my fingers in my ears, eyes closed and I'm chanting La, la la la. I don't wanna know.
On another note, have the Olympics outlived their usefulness? Does all this pagentry strike anyone else as so many gorillas beating their chests? And why are we rewarding a repressive state that's already taking us to the cleaners financially with the opportunity to increase their esteem in the world, and make more money off of us.
This has been today's edition of stupid questions to which there are no good answers. Carry on.


Metro said...

After Gary Hart, and the revelations surrounding JFK, I'm astounded anyone cares about political sex, much less the sex lives of semi-talented singers and actors.

What scares me more the the death of the post-Watergate mentality and its replacement with empty cynicism and amoral apathy.

Jerez Sherry said...

Nice discussion here...see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.

Rambling Woods said...

I'm not interested in somebody's sex life...It is not my business...

Jerez Sherry said...

Mare, my 'e' is in my sidebar past the talking cat, thanks for visiting, and I am happy to send you a leaf of my begonia..

Jerez Sherry said...

Hi! I wanted to let you know I haven't forgotten about the begonia..I am out of town, some big changes going on, so just remind me if I forget.. Hope you enjoy the brisk weather...

Jerez Sherry said...

please email me again!!!